
Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

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We're going to try out a bit of a hybrid mode with tokens and items.

Dice and Dunk the Twins activities will now be giving out 1-6 point activity tokens! Foraging will stock 1 and 2 pointers. You can use these in the Fantastical Fantasies Shop. We will be adding new items/bases to the shop so keep an eye out for that.

Other activities like the Mnstrel and Pin the Tail on Arabasti will give out a mix of items and tokens, as will the Lounge!

Quests (once they change over) will give out items only.

When collectable khimbits are available, they will continue to be released in various site activities alongside the regular items and tokens.

Speaking of items, have fun trying to pin the tail on Arabasti to try for one of his new hoard of Taste the Rainbow themed items!

Note on the Khimbit BB Pool

Since it was the first time we've done a khimbit BB pool in some time, I will clarify that points gained during these events MUST be used up *during* the event. Pools are available for 24 hours for points only, and there will generally always be items available in these pools for at least 24 hours, which is plenty of time for points to be used up. When we release news that a last refill of the pool is coming, that is your signal that you must use up your event points or lose them, as these are limited time events. In case this was not perfectly clear for the event that just passed, if you still have leftover points, please post here in the comments with the number of points you have left and we'll make only enough additional khimbits to fulfill these points, it will be first come first served when they are added to the pool, and you will have 24 hours from the time they enter the pool to make your choice. After that, the event ends and any unspent points will be lost. Going forward, you will need to make your choices promptly when we announce that a final pool refill is coming, or forfeit your points. You have 48 hours to post here with your remaining points total :)

P.S. Don't forget to grab this month's item from the Treasure Trove if you are an upgraded user!


The last batch of BB khimbits are dropping into the shop! Be sure to use up your points!

Because new items are flocking to the lounge!

Beads are now on sale for 15% off through the end of the day, Friday!

Bead Bribery

PSA: Be sure to get your choices in for the previous bead bribery event by the end of the day, May 21!

This time around we are featuring a special unique khimbit pool for Bead Bribery! You will earn points for every bead purchase from now until the end of the weekend, and can use these points to purchase khimbits from the Bead Bribery Khimbit shop! Any khimbits unclaimed after 24 hours will be able to be purchased for 4 beads each. Each khimbit costs 6 points and they will be added in to the shop in 1 minute intervals. How many khimbits are made and how many different kinds will depend on the number of beads purchased, but we're starting out with phoenix 'bits!

The Minstrel is dispensing these new Blooming Countryside themed items for those he deems worthy!

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