
About Me
Aaah, this profile is looong overdue...! Well, I shall get to It then...!
I am a 23 year old... girl? with Asperger Syndrom from Sweden who loves pet sites in all It's shapes and forms! I also HATE writing profiles, I never know what to say in them... exept that I dislike writing profiles perhaps...?
I enjoy drawing, writing, mythology, animals, playing games of all kinds... and much more!
I dislike... barely anything really!
I am on here everyday, but I am very introvert so I don't make contact with people easily, not am I showing my face on the forums. But I am friendly, and I enjoy chatting about random stuff, so don't be afraid to aproach me, really!
I am a 23 year old... girl? with Asperger Syndrom from Sweden who loves pet sites in all It's shapes and forms! I also HATE writing profiles, I never know what to say in them... exept that I dislike writing profiles perhaps...?
I enjoy drawing, writing, mythology, animals, playing games of all kinds... and much more!
I dislike... barely anything really!
I am on here everyday, but I am very introvert so I don't make contact with people easily, not am I showing my face on the forums. But I am friendly, and I enjoy chatting about random stuff, so don't be afraid to aproach me, really!
Basic Links
Lair Groups

Second Annual Bronze Chocolate Hunt Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Bronze Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Silver Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Gold Trophy
Kai and Tai's Quests Prismatic Crystal Trophy
Copper Scare Tactics 2012 Trophy
Copper Paranoia 2012 Trophy