Alright, I'm trying to become more active, I'm not sure if I'll ever be fully active but at least a few days a week. If I'm not here I can be found on explorewindrose under user name of Kira. Feel free to message me on either site.
I like making khims that when bred will result in many different offspring. You can breed the same pair over and over again never getting the same offspring more than once. If you want an offspring of these or one of my overlays feel free to ask.
Feel free to ask me to breed my khims for you. Due to lair limits I prefer to breed on request rather than keep a bunch waiting to be sold.
I like making khims that when bred will result in many different offspring. You can breed the same pair over and over again never getting the same offspring more than once. If you want an offspring of these or one of my overlays feel free to ask.
Feel free to ask me to breed my khims for you. Due to lair limits I prefer to breed on request rather than keep a bunch waiting to be sold.
Trade info
List of overlays that I have:
My general wishlist:
Things I really want.
Cabbit Chrysalis
My general wishlist:
Things I really want.
Cabbit Chrysalis
Army of bunnys!
My army of bunnehs is growing!
15 F Electros X 7 Electros
14 F naturals X 19 M naturals
5 F patched X 5 M patched
6 F Pigeons X 3 M Pigeons
69 in all!
If you have any bunnehs and would like to trade I would be interested. I want to get enough to compete cover a khims picture. Want to take a look?
15 F Electros X 7 Electros
14 F naturals X 19 M naturals
5 F patched X 5 M patched
6 F Pigeons X 3 M Pigeons
69 in all!
If you have any bunnehs and would like to trade I would be interested. I want to get enough to compete cover a khims picture. Want to take a look?